Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Some thoughts on Evangelii Gaudium

Evangelii Gaudium has been releasedWell, this should cause all who put money and material wealth ahead of people to explode regardless of the side of the political spectrum they are on.

But those aren't the only people who are attacked by this, the first publication of Pope Francis.  Equally attacked are moral relativists, who take advantage of the specific problems of poverty to lead people away from the truth, while reducing the faith to the private and personal.

The United States isn't even mentioned in the first 63 sections, a real blow to those who seem to thing the United States is the center of the universe.

The unborn aren't mentioned until section 213!

And that's just my first read through.  I'm going to download this PDF to my phone.

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Oustside The Asylum by Ted Seeber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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